I would like to say THANK YOU to all of you for assisting my Dad with his needs. I visited him this morning before work and he was sitting on his recliner in pain, but you would not be able to tell, he had a smile on his face as he was drinking his Orgain protein drink. He mentioned that he had been sick all night and could not sleep. He wanted me to send a BIG THANK YOU from him to all those at CareBOX Program for sending out these medical items he needs. He mentioned after his bath my mother changed his gauze pads from his recent surgery. He only had a few sent home from the hospital so the items in his care package were exactly what he needed and brought a smile to his face. He was even wearing his CareBOX Program t-shirt.
I want to thank you for what everyone there did in helping out my Dad. It brought a relief to me during this difficult time.